Sunday, January 22, 2012

Here I am world ready to share my infinite wisdom!

Uh, not so much! I don't have much wisdom on anything. I am an exhausted mommy of two darling boys who seem to fill their time destroying my house and everything in it. They truly have stolen and captivated my heart therefore the name of my blog was born. I gotta be honest I saw that written somewhere on a sign and have loved it since. I am a full time 5th grade teacher who questions my sanity for ever going into teaching a bunch of rowdy misbehaving children. I am a full time wife to a husband who after 5 years of having a full time teaching job (that paid) quit it to try his hand a coaching college football. So he is now a GA for the Washburn Icabods. Don't ask me what an Icabod is and no GA's do not get paid. They are glorified coaches with no income but he does get his higher education paid for. Yip! Yip! He has no intention in using that higher education. His passion is football and I want him to do what makes him happy, so hence the reason he is doing what he is doing. I know in due time there is a light at this short (well it better be short) tunnel! Anyhow, I love following blogs on the internet and find them to be my creative outlet and give me something to look forward everyday after my duties as overall manager of the house are done. I love trying new recipes, diy projects, and crafts. I am an awe of so many of these woman who have time to be the super ladies that they are. My intent with this blog is to just chronicle some of my family's little life moments so that someday I can look back and have them documented. I also hope to post some of the things I have made through my blog addiction. I welcome anyone to share this experience with me. Well it is about time for the two rugrats so I am going to sign off for the night. We'll see how well I keep up with this new adventure.